Thursday, February 24, 2022

Top 5 Reasons You Should Invest in a Diabetes Tracker

We use the word “invest” when we want something to be profitable. You invest in something because it will help you to do something more efficiently. Do you get annoyed when you have to miss your morning yoga or postpone that important meeting because you have to hurry to the hospital to get a lab test done for your diabetes? We know traditional glucometers are a suitable alternative to these time-taking lab tests, but what if you could have something better to make your diabetes tracking even better?

What is a Diabetes Tracker?

Any device that assists you in tracking your blood glucose level instantly can be identified as a diabetes tracker. Nowadays, diabetes apps and CGMs make it easy to track your blood glucose levels. On one hand, where small USB-supported glucometers are convenient, GCM (Continuous Glucose Monitoring) Devices can be a painless alternative to glucometers. 

Commonly Used Diabetes Trackers 

  • CGM

CGM is a tool that you wear to monitor your blood glucose levels 24 hours a day when you are wearing the device.

To use CGM, you need to place a small sensor on your skin, preferably on your belly or arm. With the use of adhesive tape, the sensor stays in its place. Usually, CGM devices take readings after every five minutes for the whole day and night. However, you are required to change sensors at home every 7 to 14 days. 

  • Glucometer

A glucometer is a glucose monitoring device that is used for self-monitoring of blood sugar levels. Glucometers require only a single drop of blood and are portable. 

Top 5 Benefits of a Diabetes Tracker

  • Connected to App

Modern glucometers are compatible with your phone device. You do not have to carry a machine to monitor your diabetes. For instance, BeatO’s Curv and Smart Glucometers are compatible with android phones and Apple iPhones, respectively. You can connect your coin-sized glucometer with your phone and get real-time results. 

  • Cost-Effective

Glucometer is a one-time investment and saves you from laboratory tests bills. Plus, you do not have to visit your doctor to share your diabetes reports. With a glucometer, you can conveniently send reports online. Hence, as mentioned above, a diabetes tracker is a worthwhile investment for a diabetes patient. 

  • Accurate Readings

Modern glucometers have highly advanced strips. This makes them effective and efficient for modern patients.  They can detect every component of blood accurately. With an app like BeatO, you can get instant guidance and feedback from a health coach on your reading.  

  • Special Add-ons on the App

Diabetes Apps ensure to keep the patient updated on their blood glucose levels. If your sugar levels get low, the health coach and doctors interact with you to help you manage it. You can get extra benefits like personalized suggestions for health and diet. These apps also allow you to set reminders for tests and medicines. With the app, you can conveniently record data, track insulin, and even keep notes about your diet and exercise. 

  • Convenient

These glucometers are convenient to carry around. You can easily self-monitor your diabetes without taking anyone’s help. The app can work as a reminder as well so that you won’t miss your regular monitoring.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

What does an ideal food chart for Type 2 diabetes include?

 It is common knowledge that having the right food is the key to keeping your sugar under

control. You might get baffled as to what is the right food for a Type 2 diabetic person.

We have created a list of foods that should be avoided and consumed if you are a Type 2


Foods to consume if you have Type 2 diabetes

Fruits and Vegetables

They serve as a good source of vitamins, minerals and fibre. They should be chosen on the

basis of their low glycemic index. Vegetables can include salad greens, broccoli, cauliflower,

green beans, asparagus, etc. fruits on the other hand, can include Plums, berries, oranges,

peaches, apples, etc.


Dairy products are known to be a good source of calcium and protein. There is also research

that proves that dairy products have a positive effect on insulin secretions in the case of a

person having Type 2 diabetes. Dairy options for people with Type 2 diabetes include

skimmed or low-fat milk, fat-free or low-fat Greek yogurt and parmesan, cottage or ricotta


Whole Grains

Whole grains break down slowly and therefore are less likely to cause a spike in your sugar

levels. Ideal whole grains for a diabetic person includes whole wheat, quinoa, oatmeal,

millet, barley, cornmeal, etc. They also leave you feeling full for a longer time.

Meat, Fish and Poultry

They are a rich source of protein. They take a longer time to digest and therefore, they are

less likely to cause a spike in your sugar levels. Options for Type 2 diabetics include eggs,

fatty fish, white fish fillets, boneless or skinless chicken strips or breasts, etc.

Foods to avoid if you have Type 2 diabetes

Trans Fats

Trans fat is considered to be harmful for your sugar levels. It is created by adding hydrogen

to unsaturated fat. Sources of trans fat include peanut butter, frozen dinners, margarines,

creamers, spreads, etc. they are also used by food manufacturers and added in muffins,

baked goods, crackers, etc. to increase their shelf life.

Sweetened Beverages

Sweetened Beverages are high in both calories and carbs. They make it difficult to manage

blood sugar levels. They are also high in fructose content which leads to insulin resistance.

Fructose content can also lead to belly fat and high levels of cholesterol and triglyceride.

Fruit Yoghurt

It is made from low-fat or no-fat milk and it has a high content of carbs and sugar. A fruit

yogurt is known to contain more sugar than an ice cream.

White bread, Pasta, Rice

They are all processed foods which have a high content of both calories and carbs. As they

are low in fibre and high in carbohydrates, they can lead to a spike in your sugar levels.

Along with consuming the right food, it is also important for a diabetic person to follow a

regular workout regime and to regularly monitor his/her sugar levels.

Optimise your diet and lifestyle according to your sugar levels and lead a happy and healthy life.